Sporty Ocean Drive
July, 2014
To be honest there are times when strolling around Ocean Drive makes me anxious: people running, training, skating, rollerblading, doing push-ups on one hand, showing great abs and dreamy buns. Other times, my spirit of emulation breaks trough my proverbial laziness and my total lack of training. These are the moments when I take a nice bike ride, disregarding all those sweat-inducing activities, hiding my “normal” belly (or my illusion thereof) and my 50-year-old lady bum in gear.
Ocean Drive, especially early in the morning, is the ideal place to practice a wide range of physical activities, delighting in a beautiful landscape with the ocean on one side and a row of Art Deco hotels on the other and a light breeze wafting across remarkable people. There are a lot of possibilities: beach volleyball grounds, exercise machines on the beach for any kind of training, and skipping the “fools” on skateboards, it is nice to walk briskly, jog and bike ride.
After a certain point, the paved walkway becomes a wonderful pedestrian-friendly wooden gangway that crosses the less populatedpart of the beach.
As an alternative to the blacktopped way, there’s a part of well tread sand where it’s possible to walk at your leisure but it’s always under the sun and after a certain hour it’s just too hot.
In other words, if you want to keep fit on Ocean Drive, you don’t run out of opportunities.