Children Museum: no adults admitted!
November, 2014
The Miami Children’s Museum is probably the only place in the World where the entrance to adults, unaccompanied by children, is prohibited. This for obvious safety reasons (it would be an ideal destination for pedophiles and criminals). So, not having around friends with young children to borrow, we had to rely on second-hand stories, and all agreed that it is a wonderful experience for the youngest.
The museum offers many themed rooms: the castle of dreams, the bank (where to learn how to save and use money), the port, the wellness center (where they teach the habits for healthy living), the pet shop (to learn how to take care of small pets), the music study, the supermarket, the sea and the oceans and more.
In addition to these educational spaces, there are temporary exhibitions and many activities, from dance to music, from storytelling to how to build sand castles, from art classes to the soap bubbles area, from the techniques of intelligent recycling to meetings dedicated to the history of Native Americans.
For informations about updated schedules of events, consult their website. The entrance fee is $ 18 (but children under 1 year are free of charge), parking costs $ 1 an hour, and the opening hours are from 10 am to 6 pm daily (except Thanksgiving Day and December 25) . The third Friday of every month from 3 to 9 pm, admission is free (and often crowded).
However, after listening at the stories of enthusiastic parents, I will soon “rent” a couple of kids, so I will be able to spend a whole afternoon at the Chidren’s Museum!